Terracotta Bhagona Kadhai Range
Terracotta Bhagona Kadhai:
Mattisung has variety of pots suiting to each household. It has pots for small families as well as for large sized families.
Here is Terracotta clay kadhais of different sizes. The small one ideal for a family of two to three persons is of 1 litre, light weighted (1.1 kg). It has a glass lid with it. Instead of being small it can cook all kinds of foods both vegetarian and non- vegetarian. This can be used on gas and stove with low and medium heat. Cooking in low and medium heat keeps nutrients in the food intact
Smaller Kadhai are of 1.5 and 2 litre with weight of 1.3 and 1.7 kg respectively and the bigger ones are of 4 and 5 litres. All Kadhais have glass lids and come with the same features described above. Small kahdai’s are suitable for small and middle sized families and bigger ones are suitable for big families and catering.
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