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Mattisung Enterprise introduces a series of Earthen kitchen ware to provide a fusion between modern and tradition to your kitchen. Their sweet (fragrance) before during and after cooking enriches the soul. Beautiful pots attract and provide relaxation to the eyes. Since ancient times cooking in clay pots had been a tradition. Mattisung Enterprise introduces a variety of pots for the kitchen that will fulfill your needs.

How the Idea Emerged

Sh. DuliChand Prajapati an artisan is a national awardee, working with terracotta for about 45 years. He is uneducated and remained dedicated to his art without bringing it the public at large. He has some unique creations like 9 feet wine bottle, 4 feet wine glasses, a pot with 21 musical instruments and so on. His son in law Raj Prajapati thought to give voice to his creations and therefore the Mattisung. He also thought that more and more people should have links to their traditions and healthy life style and these products should get a place in each household. Raj is not alone some others have joined him in his mission making a good team.

Welcome! This is our dedicated Team. Did we say that we would love to work with you? So dont be shy, get in touch!

Raj Prajapati

Raj Prajapati


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Duli Chand

Duli Chand

Marketing & Sales

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Rashmi Agrawal

Rashmi Agrawal

Creative head

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The Office

We recently moved the team to Florida. Here is how it looks like if you work with us

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